571 S Pomona Rd, Egg Harbor, NJ 08215
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To confirm your membership, please read to the end of this form and confirm that you have read and agree. You will then be directed to our payment portal to submit your annual membership dues.

Membership Information


Membership Type:

Family Membership: $100/annually – 18 yrs and older

Membership Dues Support:

  • Membership dues play a crucial role in sustaining the various services and activities of Vaikunth Hindu Jain Temple. Your contribution directly aids in:Maintaining the temple premises and facilities

  • Organizing religious ceremonies, rituals, and cultural events
  • Offering educational programs, workshops, and classes
  • Supporting temple staff and volunteers

Membership Benefits:

By becoming a valued member, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Invitation to annual members only event
  • Opportunities to participate in temple committees and voting for committee members

Payment Information:

  • Online Payment via Paypal


     Vaikunth Hindu Jain Temple Member Code of Conduct

    A member code of conduct for a temple outlines the expected behavior and guidelines for individuals who are part of the temple community. These guidelines help maintain a respectful and sacred atmosphere within the temple premises. As a member of Vaikunth Hindu Jain Temple, we request your adherence to the following code of conduct to ensure a harmonious and respectful environment within our sacred place of worship:

    1. Respect for Deities and Sacred Objects:

    • Treat all deities and sacred objects with utmost reverence.
    • Avoid touching or disturbing offerings and idols without permission.

    2. Dress Code:

    • Wear modest and appropriate attire when visiting the temple.
    • Remove your shoes outside and store them in the shoe rack before entering the temple premises.

    3. Silence and Respect:

    • Maintain silence and a contemplative atmosphere within the temple.
    • Refrain from loud conversations, use of mobile devices, or other distractions.

    4. Punctuality:

    • Arrive on time for scheduled events, ceremonies, and services.

    5. Offerings and Donations:

    • Place all cash donations within the donation box
    • Make payments for ceremonies, pujas and rentals via check only, checks made payable to: Vaikunth Hindu Jain Temple

    6. Hygiene and Cleanliness:

    • Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness when visiting the temple.
    • Dispose of trash in designated bins.
    • Temple can NOT store and does not require your any old/used items, if specific items are required a notice will be posted.

    7. Respect for Others:

    • Be respectful to fellow devotees, priests, and temple staff. Avoid confrontations or disruptive behavior.

    8. Photography and Videography:

    •  Respect the privacy of other devotees.

    9. Children and Pets:

    •  Supervise your children to ensure their behavior aligns with temple guidelines.
    •  Pets are generally not allowed within the temple premises.

    10. Participation and Learning:

    •   Engage in temple activities, ceremonies, and educational programs.
    •   Seek knowledge and understanding of the temple’s spiritual teachings.

    11. No Smoking/Alcohol/Meat:

    • Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited within the temple premises.
    • Only vegetarian food is allowed within the temple premises.

    12. Reporting Concerns:

    • Report any concerns or issues to temple committee members.
    • Encourage a culture of open communication.

    13. Compliance:

    Failure to adhere to this code of conduct may result in temporary or permanent suspension of temple privileges.

    By following this code of conduct, you contribute to creating a spiritual and respectful environment for all devotees. Thank you for your dedication to Vaikunth Hindu Jain Temple and its values.


    I hereby declare that the information provided in this form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my membership is subject to approval and is contingent upon adherence to the temple’s member code of conduct.